Durable for the duration... and no longer

The pestilence of persistent petrochemical plastics must end.

While there are some biodegradable and renewable plastics solutions, they have very limited adoption. Matched Materials exists to facilitate broader adoption of plant-based, biodegradable plastics.

Globally, plastics are a $600 billion dollar industry with a projected CAGR of 4.2% over the next 6 years. This hearty market and healthy growth is in direct tension with consumer demand, climate mandates of companies, and the environmental stewardship responsibilities of large institutions. Extended Producer Responsibility laws, which aim to accurately price the external environmental costs of plastics, are gaining traction in the U.S. and abroad.

While some companies may not understand this yet, many are already looking for solutions.

And they're going to need help.

Enter Matched Materials, a company whose sole focus is on accelerating the transition away from petrochemical plastics towards pragmatic, biodegradable solutions.